Posts Tagged ‘Absolute Legends’

Absolute Legend ( Domain for Sale

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

Hi All,

If you’re interested in purchasing the Absolute Legend domain (ABSOLUTELEGEND.COM) please send an email with your offer to :

  • aaranez at gmail dot com

Thank you for your interest 🙂

Best regards,

Arnold @mr_gadget

Absolute Legend Website Moving Up

Monday, September 21st, 2009

Absolute Legend Moving Up the Ranks

Absolute Legend Moving Up the Ranks

So we’ve had the Absolute Legend website for approximately 2 months now. It was a brand new domain with only one post. Our goal with the site was to provide a simple exercise in Search Engine Optimisation and how we help our clients can rank on the first page of Google for their keywords.

Absolute Legend Is Our Keyword

In regards to the Absolute Legend website, the keyword is obviously “Absolute Legend”. At the time of writing, the current number one site for this key term is LightFM who we helped by doing some blog posts and social media promotion on the side. The number two site on for the term Absolute Legend is my own personal blog site,, that I used to push the LightFM website to the top.

Absolute Legend Dot Com Search Engine Status

And now at number three in Google for the term “Absolute Legend” is…this website! Despite having only 2 posts (including this one), this site is now highly optimized for this keyword and we are well on the way to making this the number one site on the Internet for its targeted keyword.

How We Optimized the Absolute Legend Website For The Web

Some people think that Search Engine Optimization / SEO is all about tweaking HTML / source code so that you will appear in the top Search Engine Result Pages in Google. While for obscure and hardly ever used terms this is possible, with more commonly used words this is a lot harder.

You can often tell how competitive a set of keywords are by looking at how many search results are displayed – these are located on the top-right hand side of the page. As an example, the term “Absolute Legend” has a staggering 8,300,000 results. Which means that there are at least 8.3 million other pages out there competing to be ranked at the top for the term “Absolute legend”!

We have been in Search Engine Optimization for more than 6 years and we have some fairly highly ranked websites to prove this. Some SEO companies will say they’ve been in the business for many years yet when you look at their website profiles, it makes you wonder.

The main activities that we employ to help our clients get more traffic and get more sales online are:

– Onsite Search Engine Optimisation:
* Optimize code
* Link Structure Analysis
* Installation of Web Traffic Analysis Tools
* Sitemap Generation

– Offsite Search Engine Optimisation
* Building Backlinks
* Writing related articles
* Social bookmarking
* Writing guest posts on other prominent blogs
* Submission to directories

Sure you can attempt to do this yourself and get haphazard results or you can leave it to us, experts in SEO, to help with your website traffic and ranking.

Watch the Absolute Legend Website

Next time we blog, it should be to announce that we have the top spot for the keyword “Absolute Legend” in Let’s time this and see how long it will take!

Please let us know if you have any questions about this site or about SEO. We’d love to listen and provide real ways to help you rank better.

Web Aces – Absolute Legends!

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

This site is owned by Web Aces as an example of how certain factors influence SEO. webaces_logo

In this case we wanted to show our clients that we can rank #1 in Google for the term “Absolute Legend“.

Absolute Legend – A Term Used In Australia

Not sure about the rest of the world, but in Australia the term “Absolute Legend” is used to praise someone for doing a particularly good job at something.

If you would like to rank on the first page of Google for keywords that define you or your business please contact Web Aces – we’d love to help you 🙂

Contact Web Aces